pitc - porc
- pitch
- pitch coke
- pitch of screw
- pitch storage
- pitch tank cars repair shop
- planetary gearing
- plant administration building
- plant air
- plant assets
- plant availability (factor) = operating factor = service factor = on-line factor
- plant availability (factor) = operating factor = service factor = on-line factor
- plant recovery
- plant total
- plant-wide
- plantwide / plant-wide
- plate
- plate heat exchangers
- platen
- platework
- platform
- platform scale
- platinoid
- please be advised / please be aware of …
- plot plan
- plumbing
- plumbing and drain
- plumbing fixture
- plume
- plume spread plume dispersal dispersion
- plus tolerance
- plywood
- pneumatic conveyor
- pneumatic cylinder
- pneumatic device
- pneumatic drill
- pneumatic hammer
- pneumatic telescopic loading chute
- point crust breaker
- 1
- 2